Kwok Wah Ken Auyeung Apps

Cool AR Creator 1.0.0
Everyone has a story to tell.Using the “Cool AR Creator” app, users can create some kind ofAUgmented Reality Action (“Aura” or “AR Action”) and stories. AnAura is basically the combination of 2 things:1. the live view of the reality (a logo, an object, or any kindof image) through a camera, plus2. an overlay (a video, an animation, a 3-D object, or justanother image) being triggered by the above to be appeared on topof the above.In short, a trigger image + an overlay being triggered =Augmented Reality (AR) or AUgmented Reality Action (Aura).As illustrated above, creating Augmented Reality (AR) storiesusing the "Cool AR Creator" app may be as simple as "1 + 1 = 2" ,even for some laypersons.